8th December, Tuesday
(Feast of Immaculate Conception)
I. Gen 3: 9- 15, 20
II. Eph 1: 3-6, 11- 12
III. Lk 1: 26- 38
The truth of the Immaculate Conception was defined by Pope Pius IX on 8th December 1854 as a dogma of faith. From then onwards the feast of this no more called the Conception of Mary but the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary before she could get conceived in her womb she conceived in her heart. So, this conception is not only meant for women but even for men as well, and for young and old.
The first reading tells us what happened to Adam and Eve on account of their disobedience. The second reading from the letter to the Ephesians attributed to St Paul, reminds us that God has chosen us in Jesus Christ to be his people and that Mary’s Immaculate Conception was part of God’s predestined plan for our salvation and glory. In order to achieve that salvation and glory, we have to live the Gospel values and say ‘yes’ to God every day, just as Mary did.
In the gospel we have heard that Mary carried Jesus in her womb for nine months and we think of this especially during this Advent season. One of the titles given to Mary is “Ark of the Covenant.” The Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament was, two stone tablets containing the commandments of God (Ex 25:16). So, we could say the ark contained the word of God and Mary contained Jesus the Word of God in her womb. As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, it’s important to look at it as a gratuitous gift from two perspectives.
First, the “Immaculate Conception” means that when God created the Blessed Virgin Mary, He created her without sin. “By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin, her whole life long” (CCC, no. 493). This grace given her is an act of God’s perfect and gratuitous gift. She did not earn it or merit it; rather, God in His goodness chose to create her without original sin so as to have a suitable instrument by which the Son could come into the world. Mary, for her part, embraced this gift and chose to remain sinless throughout her life by a continual act of her free will. “From the first instant of her conception show was adorned with the radiance of an entirely unique holiness” (LG, no. 56)
Second, in creating our Blessed Mother immaculately, God did not keep her to Himself. The Immaculate Mother Mary is now our spiritual mother in the order of God’s grace and mercy. This, also, is an act of perfect gratuitous mercy on the part of our loving God. We do not deserve such a spiritual mother and Protectress, but we have her and she is always there interceding for us and bestowing many graces from God upon us through her perfect motherhood. Let us reflect today, upon this twofold gratuitous gift of God’s mercy:
1. He created Mary Immaculate out of mercy
2. He gave her to us as our own mother and queen.
Let us seek her maternal care today and throughout the year and lead a holy life by proclaiming “Totus Tuus,” “I am all yours, O Mary” St. Montfort.
Bro. Prakash Horo SMM