Ongoing Formation

It is by the study and practice of our Constitutions and the spirituality inherited from our founder that we can assimilate what is proper to our institute, even to adopt a characteristically Montfortian style of life and ministry. We attentively listen to the Word of God in the Scriptures, which draws us to meditation, contemplation and proclamation. Like Montfort to do everything in communion with the church. The example and insights of St. Louis Marie himself occupy a central place among our Montfortian traditions.
We belong to an international and multicultural congregation. So our ongoing formation seeks to widen our horizons and to remind us that we belong not simply to a local entity of a province or a delegation, but to a larger congregation of SMM. Our openness to other cultures and to other languages is indispensable to our unity as an international apostolic community. We belong as well to a larger Montfortian Family, which includes the Daughters of Wisdom, the Brothers of St. Gabriel, Secular Institutes and our Montfortian Associates, with whom we share our own Montfortian heritage, and with whom we can collaborate for certain aspects of formation. It is in our real world, with all its hopes and struggles, that we seek to become liberos, free with the freedom of God.
Steps taken towards Ongoing formation
1. Daily pondering on the Word of God and offering our prayers for the missionaries.
2. Celebrating Masses for the intentions of the Missions.
3. Annual Retreats on themes related to Religious & Fraternal living.
4. Updating of Spirituality by inviting Montfortian confreres from other entities.
5. Taking up studies related to our Montfortian Heritage and for Pastoral effectiveness.
6. Collaborating with other like-minded congregations working for the upliftment of the poor.
7. Participating in International gatherings related to the Montfortian Family.
8. Collaborating with entities that need our assistance to support local entities.
9. Working to promote the spirit of ecumenism among various groups of people.
10. Adapting ourselves to the cultural and linguistic diversity through fraternal communion.
11. Monthly Recollections as a regular feature of ongoing formation.
12. Inter-Community gatherings once in three years.
13. Inter-Montfortian family gatherings
14. Superiors, Bursars, Junior Priests, Senior Priests gatherings of updating, renewal & fellowship.