1st Dec, Tuesday
I. Is 11:1-10
II. Lk 10:21-24The first reading of today is the hopeful, visionary voice of the prophet Isaiah. We read it knowing prophet Isaiah was anticipating the coming of our saviour, "foretelling" about the future, trying to instil hope in them and painting a vision of an ideal world that awaited the Israelites. “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it”.
God Reveals Himself to the Childlike: True knowledge of Christ and of God doesn’t come by learning from books. It is revealed to those who learn to quiet their souls in prayer. We need to imitate the lovely little child who falls on the ground and then runs to his mother to be scooped up in a loving embrace. If we can remember our own littleness on the one hand and God’s loving benevolence on the other, we’ll submit in the delight wiping away from our faces the blood and tears caused by our sins. Only when we surrender ourselves into God’s forgiving, tender hands can we say that we experience him.
God Chooses the Childlike: We might think of the many people around us wise and learned people who would surely be better suited for this calling, who could do a far better job than we could. However, Christ looks for the souls that is innocent, open to his plan, and willing to carry it out. Simplicity and humility are the key words when it comes to being chosen by God to participate more actively in his plan of redemption. Cardinal John Henry Newman prayed in his famous prayer, The Pillar of the Cloud, “Keep thou my feet: I do not ask to see the distant scene – one step enough for me”. Let us reflect do we entrust our life to God our Father? During this Advent let the “Breath” of the Lord rest upon us and breath into us. Let the breath of counsel and strength and wonder of the Lord be our delight.
Bro. Ruban SMM