3rd Dec, Thursday (St. Francis Xavier)
I. Is 11 : 1-10
II. 1 Thess 3 : 12-4:2
III. Luke 10 : 21-24
Jesus who is our example always found joy in the glory of His Father. In today’s gospel passage he rejoiced in Spirit because his Father had chosen the simple and the humble to reveal the things concerning Himself. By choosing these people who have the nature of simplicity of heart and childlike trust, God the Father revealed that he saves people, not by the merit of their talents or works rather by His saving grace. All those come to God with the same simplicity of heart, He reveals greater things and most importantly He reveals Himself. Today in the present scenario we may be equipped with knowledge and wisdom but to know God and to know one another we need to have the attitude of simplicity otherwise our learnings and knowledge are vain. Jesus reveals that it is only through him that we can know the Father. The question today for us is how much do I know God? We can surely say that we know many things about God, but knowing about God is not Knowing God. We become better only when we endure to listen to God’s voice speaking to our hearts, and not just rationally perceive to know Him. Though many prophets, wise people desired to see God, it is to the humble and simple-minded that God chose to reveal himself. No matter how educated or how wise we are, if we remain humble and simple, we will be rewarded by God as he did to today’s saint St. Francis Xavier. Let’s persevere to know God with a humble heart rather than a proud mind, and express that in our action with one another.
Bro. Anthony Peter SMM