12th December, Saturday
(Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe)
I. Zech 2: 14-17
II. Lk 1: 39-47
Theme: The Greatness of Mary.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says, “Mary’s Greatness consists in the fact that she wants to magnify God, not herself”. So, the readings of today helps us to meditate on the theme, “The Greatness of Mary”. A precious privilege was bestowed on Mary to become the co-redeemer in the salvation plan of God. Her greatness to be the mother of God felt deep within her heart and she was so humble enough to proclaim the Greatness of God all through her life. Her greatness is been experienced through so many miraculous apparitions all throughout the world. Today we commemorate one such apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe honoring the greatness of Mary Mother of Jesus. It commemorates the appearance of Mary in 1531 to St. Juan Diego near Mexico City. He carried a message, at Mary’s request, to build a church on the top of the Hill of Tepeyac.
In the first reading the Prophet Zechariah, proclaims, “Sing and Rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for I am about to come, I shall dwell among you.” This prophesy has been fulfilled in the gospel of today. After accepting the call of God, Mary immediately goes to serve her cousin Elizabeth which shows her humility and greatness of her virtue. It was the first meeting point of Divinity with Humanity.
St Louis Marie Montfort in his writings exalts the greatness of Mary. Saying, she is the earthly paradise of Jesus Christ the new Adam, she is the vast Divine world of God, she is the magnificence of the Almighty (TD 6). The real greatness of Mary lies in her closeness to Jesus. From Annunciation to the Crucifixion Mary stood by Jesus. He is the light; Mary is the lamp stand. He is the bread of life; Mary is the wheat. He is the way, Mary, the gate of heaven. Finally, in the words of our beloved founder, Fr De Montfort; Mary is the safest, easiest, shortest, and most perfect way to Jesus. Those who walk in the path of Mary and live the virtue of humility can experience greatness in their life.
Bro. Santhosh Prabhu SMM