5th Dec, Saturday
I. Is: 30: 19-21, 23-26
II. Mt 9:35–10:1, 6-8
Today’s Gospel passage we see Jesus is moved with compassion for the people who are helpless because they are like sheep without shepherd. Compassion is not only feeling sorry for the others but it means entering into the disorderly life of another and lead them to the newness of life. Scripture says to us that God is full of compassion and gracious slow to anger and steadfast in love. The entire history of the Israel speaks of we see the God who is always loving and compassionate even when they did things against God. The Gospels also presents Jesus in the same way the incidents like Jesus feeding the 4000 people, healing the two-blind man, raising the widow’s son, the parable of the prodigal son in all these situations Jesus sees the misery of the people and his heart is moved with compassion which bring changes to the lives of the people. In the same way Jesus wants his disciples to be loving and compassionate to the people to whom they are sent to. Today modern world in which we live is more consumeristic, self-oriented, and because of the COVID-19 we maintain social distance from everyone and have very limited time to think of the other but the lord we see in today’s Gospel went in search of the people who are in need to support them and asked his disciples to do the same. As children of God we all of us are called to partake in the lord’s mission and enter into the difficulties of the people in need and imitate Jesus our Divine Master with the help of our beloved Mother who is our model.
Bro. Martin SMM