7th December, Monday
I. Is 35:1-10
II. Luke 5:17-26
Theme: They made it Happen
Today's first reading from Isaiah is as an invitation to "return to the promised land”, where God desires us to be. It's a place of fullness, where our afflictions are healed. It is a place where life and energy and beauty abound. It is a place of harmony and unity, where the causes of fear and mistrust are removed. This is to make a journey on. "A highway which is sacred. We all have a journey to make during this Advent. A holy way to travel which God desires for us.
How can we work toward healing for ourselves and others in a particular relationship? How can we contribute to harmony and unity in our family and our community? The gospel shows us how important these questions are because it gives us a vivid story to show that the paralyzed was incapable of looking for forgiveness and praying for good health.
But it was the faith of his friends that prepared the ground for his healing and they were ready to take any trouble in reaching Jesus. They made it happen. Our road, our holy way of returning to God is, choosing to take steps in our lives that lead to healing, gain abundant life, and unity. Our faith can bring down God’s blessing upon our dear and near ones.
Bro. Ruban