I. Zeph 3: 1-2, 9-13
II. Mt 21:28-32
Theme: Saying and Doing
The various liturgical seasons of the church reminds the faithful that God still loves everyone and the message of the each is season though unique calls us to repent from our sinful ways and to turn to God with a contrite heart listening to his invitation. The season of advent brings before us the message of John the Baptist who invites us to do the same (turn away from our sins) and prepare ourselves to receive our Incarnate Lord. The parable of today’s Gospel presents the context where the two sons of the father say one thing and do another thing. The gospel reminds us as Christians our duty is not just saying that we love God rather it’s showing it in our actions. Jesus once again reminds that “not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Mt 7:21)
In the example of the two sons the second son represents the Pharisees and scribes whose words didn’t correspond to their actions. And the first son represents the tax collectors and sinners who listened to the message of John the Baptist and returned to God with a change of heart. The gospel passage once again highlights the merciful nature of God who welcomes all those who come to him with contrite heart, in simplicity and humility. Like the pharisees we too at times declare our faith in our celebration with pomp but our actions don’t correspond to our proclamation. Today we are called to become persons of deeds who love God and neighbor through actions rather than in mere words. The question is are we ready to respond to the call of God and change our ways and be the people of deeds rather than mere words.
Bro. Anthony Peter